Time to Rebuild Police Community Relations by Dr. Ben Carson

Time to Rebuild Police-Community Relations  Wednesday, 21 Jan 2015 10:17 AM By Ben Carson A few days ago, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Edward Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association of the New York Police Department, to discuss potential ways to improve community-police relationships. He has been working with outstanding community leaders … [Read more…]

Tour of Union Terminal

Pretty incredible visit to Union Terminal last Wednesday during Brian Thomas’ Listener Lunch.    I have studied the finances, the plan for Issue 8 and just about everything else about Union Terminal but this was my first real tour through the trenches.   What follows are a few interesting pictures for those of you who can’t tour … [Read more…]

Top 10 Things Dan Learned This Semester at EmpowerU

Dan’s Top 10 Things He Learned This Semester at EmpowerU EmpowerU is all about teaching people new things so that we can become more Empowered in their lives.   We hope you will join us for another exciting semester (our eighth semester) that will start on September 18, 2014.   Watch for news about next semester at … [Read more…]

The Death of John Dolibois

Memorial to John E. Dolibois        Today, May 2nd, it was announced that the youngest of the Nazi interrogators, John E. Dolibois has died at the age of 96.  The former ambassador and native of Luxembourg had many “firsts” in his life.  He went from Eagle Scout to college student at Miami University. where he met … [Read more…]

About Issue 1

To All this is from Maurice Thompson from the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law.  He spoke with us on April 24 regarding Ohio and Issue one.   IMPORTANT THAT YOU STUDY UP ON THIS ISSUE.   I want you to read the other side to this issue also.  Click Here to Read the Enquirer endorsement of … [Read more…]

Are You Non-Conforming…Like Me?

More Unintended Consequences of Obamacare I’ve been “non-conforming” all my life and always been proud of it (my wife and friends will surely confirm….).  .    Little did I know, that under Obamacare it would become official.   I’m Non-Conforming and at some point might lose my Doctor.   Another far-fetched claim?   You decide….             Last week I … [Read more…]

FREE New 2014 Ohio Paperback Sunshine Laws Manual

Are you frustrated and tired of being denied access to various public governmental entity meetings in Ohio because of government ignorance, incompetence, and impedance?  Do THEY intimidate you as to what THEY think you should know about what THEY do with your money? Do THEY allow you or obstruct your right of attendance? Do THEY … [Read more…]

An Update on Human Trafficking…and F.A.I.R.

As an EmpowerU volunteer for several years, I am always in awe of what can happen because of our classes and the interesting participants.  The March 17 class on human trafficking, presented by Melinda Hagarty of Attorney General’s Office, was extremely informative. Two ladies in the audience presented some opportunities for action and awareness:  Lauren … [Read more…]

About David Green and Hobby Lobby…

Here are a few thoughts about David Green who is the CEO of Hobby Lobby.   Many of you have heard about the Supreme Court Lawsuit that Hobby Lobby has filed against the US Government (Sebelius vs. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.) because it disagrees with 4 of the 20 methods of birth control that are mandated … [Read more…]

Blended Learning

Dan Peters makes a compelling case for Blended Learning in the EmpowerU session last Thursday Night in Evendale.    You can see a complete recording of the session here.    Blending Learning offers students many advantages over our current school model which just isn’t working.   It allows 1) students to work at their own pace.   2) It … [Read more…]


We need help and are looking for volunteers to make our sessions go great.   Consider helping in the following areas:  1) We need Producers.   In 5 hours a week you can produce one session which really means to make it run great for the participants (fun too), 2) We are looking for volunteers to join … [Read more…]